Personalized Customer Delight at Scale

  • SupplyPike Customer Success Concept
  • SupplyPike Customer Success Concept


  • Stakeholder Interviews

  • Problem Scoping

  • Researching tools

  • Creative Direction

  • Motion Design

  • Implementation

Team Members

  • VP Customer Success

  • Lead Product Owner

  • Design Intern

  • Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe After Effects

Driving Retention with Delight

Can we delight customers at scale?

As SupplyPike’s customer base grew rapidly, we began exploring ways to scale user delight. Our Customer Success Team needed an easy way to highlight success rates in an email to customers. The added challenge was thinking through how we could export this in an animated GIF for sharing in emails.

A Template for Success

After exploring numerous ideas, we discovered a plugin for After Effects called Templater by Dataclay. This was the perfect tool to help us create custom animations with dynamic data. Through a bit of trial and error, we learned how to create an After Effects template that could be personalized with customer data and exported at scale!

© 2023 Ben Soto Design

© 2023 Ben Soto Design